On february 27th 2007, in Laruscade (Gironde), Louis GRISON and Antoine BOULIN create l’Arbre à Vache company.

arbre à vache

arbre à vache

Passionate about visual humour, gestural and burlesque drama, home-made special effects, they gather all their energy to invent life instants and conviviality moments, and to invite the audience to travel, with human and touching characters.

The idea is to offer universal live performances, creating situations that happen in the public space, in order to set up in communal areas : streets, squares, parks, gardens, depots, warehouses, etc… Drama here and now, shows (almost) anywhere, accessible to all audiences and all ages.

Bravache    masculin : Faux brave, fanfaron.

arbre à vache

arbre à vache

« When it comes to our street shows , we require virtually no technical help and can easily adapt to the surroundings: these shows can be performed almost anywhere, from street drama festivals to smaller events. They are perfectly suitable for audiences that are not used to theatre. Our creations are easy to fit in any program: all that’s needed for the encounter to take place are a suitable space and an electrical outlet.

We mostly rely on burlesque, humorous and silent theatre to meet the audience and tell them of our world. We perform mostly in street drama festivals, in France (all the way to Guiana) and abroad (Italy, England, Spain, Switzerland, Belgium, Luxemburg, South Korea and Japan).

We like the universality of laughter, of emotions and of wordless encounters. The characters that come to life in our shows reflect human beauty, with its paradoxes, and the audience can identify with and be touched by them. »

« Bob, transports en tout genre » (Bob, delivery of all kinds) was created in 2007. It is a silent clown-like performance, which involves magic tricks and oscillates between dark humour and poetry.

It is a one man show created for the street: a man is delivering some packages, but no one is answering the door. Only the audience is here…


In 2013, « M&Mme Poiseau » came out. In this show, which combines mime and visual humour, a very old couple celebrate a birthday. Mr Poiseau invited the audience to his wife’s 75th surprise birthday party, which takes place in one of their favorite places.


In 2018, the company created « Goodbye Persil » ! This intimate show takes place in a Park. The audience sits on benches and watches as an old Twingo roams the street and stops in the Park.

Two brothers get out of the car. They have a mission to complete.

arbre à vache

L'équipearbre à vache

Antoine Boulin

Antoine Boulin

Louis Grison

Louis Grison

Macha Leon

Macha Leon

Orianne Block

Orianne Block

Nicolas Perruchon

Nicolas Perruchon

arbre à vache

Thank you !

Ils ont contribué à l’histoire de la compagnie et ont fait partie de l’aventure : Pauline Blais (Comédienne), Julien Lot (Comédien musicien), Alice Lafon (Chargée de production et diffusion), Charlotte Buclet (Technicienne son et lumière), Léa Blanche Bernard (Metteuse en scène et comédienne) et François Mary (Chargé de production et diffusion).

La compagnie tient à remercier toutes les personnes qui nous ont apporté leur aide d’une manière ou d’une autre… (non exhaustif !)

Didier Arnaud, Philippe Boulin, Gilles Boussard, Luc-Noël Bailly, Christophe Andral, Leandre Ribera, Yvo Mentens, Claire Ducreux, Paul Cavadore, Jules Canouet, Odile Lavie, Maxim Buzzi, Philippe Delrieu, Noémie Lecharpentier, Damien Peguet, Emma Arnaud, Francis Grison, Luc Faugère, Bénédikte Faugère, Marc Prévost, Jérôme Martin, Olivier Grison, Anne De Subercasaux, Eloïse Grison, Christophe Canouet, Valentin Arnaud, Eulalie Grison, Georges et Ginette Boulin, Aymeric Parant, Nicolas Bourdeix, Marie Grison, Luc Villeneuve, Les Saltimbanques ruscadiens, Augustin Grison, Jean-Marc Lavie, Françoise Boulin, François et Andréa Boulin, Myriam Boulin, Delphine David, Mathilde Ménager et ses parents, Pauline Granger, Jean Baptiste Grison, l’école de Générac, la Cie Ultrabutane 12-14, Agnes et Luc Bernard, Blaise Moulin, Jessica Nativel, Lauranne Simpère, Magma Sommier et Julien Marot, et toutes les personnes et tous les festivals qui nous ont invités à jouer chez eux.